Tobacco-Free College
Central Piedmont is committed to providing its employees, students, and visitors with a safe and healthy environment. Tobacco is a medically-proven health risk, and an increasing number of schools, colleges, universities, public facilities, private businesses, and work-places are becoming tobacco-free. Central Piedmont is a 100 percent tobacco-free college. Our tobacco-free campuses model healthy behaviors and offer individuals of all ages a healthier place to learn, work, and visit.
All forms of tobacco, including smokeless tobacco and electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes/vapes) are prohibited on all Central Piedmont campuses and property, including all grounds, buildings, facilities, parking lots, and college-owned vehicles. The policy applies to everyone, including campus visitors and construction workers, at all times. All Central Piedmont students and employees are expected to comply fully with the Tobacco-Free College policy. Students who repeatedly violate the policy will face student conduct process as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. Employees who repeatedly violate the policy will be referred to their supervisor, who will be expected to follow the employee disciplinary process.
For details on the college's tobacco policy, review Central Piedmont's full tobacco-free policy.