Keeping Your Financial Aid
To keep receiving the financial aid you are awarded, you will need to maintain satisfactory academic progress. If you withdraw from classes, reduce the number of classes you're enrolled in, or fail to attend class — it will likely affect the amount of your financial aid award.
Academic Standards
Federal and state regulations require that a student receiving financial aid maintain specific standards of satisfactory academic progress (SAP). Central Piedmont applies these standards to all federal, state, and institutional funds in order to maintain a consistent procedure for all students receiving assistance while ensuring student success.
These standards apply to students who receive financial aid from any of the following programs: Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant, Federal Work-Study, North Carolina Community College Grant, North Carolina Education Lottery Scholarship, and institutional grants, scholarships, and loans.
Never Attended and Withdrawals
If you have never attended class and/or received a withdrawal from a class, it may impact your financial assistance.
Repeated Coursework Policy
The Department of Education has published regulations which impact student who repeat courses. These repeat courses may impact your financial aid eligibility and awards for Federal Title IV financial aid.