Apply for a Student Government position

Student Government Association (SGA) is your representative body to address issues and concerns. We want to partner with you to ensure you have the best college experience while attending Central Piedmont. We encourage you to get involved by attending a meeting, serving as a senator or a board member.

SGA Executive Committee 

SGA is led by the Executive Committee, which consists of the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and public information officer. Applications to serve on the Executive Committee will open during the spring semester. Eligible applicants may run in an election, which is open to the student body.

SGA Senators

SGA senators are students appointed by the Executive Committee to represent the needs and interests of students at each campus. Two senators will be appointed per campus and serve as members of the SGA General Assembly with voting rights. Senators will be on the ground listening to students and aiding in student success on their campus. Senators will serve on committees and work on projects, all while representing the students at their campus, for all of SGA. Senators represent the interests of that campus as well as all students in the "One College" model.

Eligibility Requirements for serving on Student Government