Forensics Courses Online

The American Academy of Applied Forensics through continuing education at Central Piedmont offers online forensics courses. Get information about course offerings and register today.

Online Forensic Course Listing

  • Automotive Digital Evidence – FRN 7898 (32 Credit Hours – 30 days to complete)

    This online course is geared toward auto theft detectives or police officers wishing to expand their knowledge of automotive digital evidence. As vehicle manufacturers continue to advance their product line, new technology is continuously being implemented in automobiles to provide more entertainment, security, safety, and user features. This class covers how car thieves may try to break into or hack into new vehicles, what and where digital evidence may be located, and remote GPS location services such as OnStar.

  • Crime Scene Photography, Part I - FRN 7907 (40 Credit Hours – 30 days to complete)

    This online class is designed to familiarize the crime scene detective/technician with the basic requirements of crime scene photography. Students will become more knowledgeable with the use of light, exposure, shutter speed and the general functions of cameras. We'll also look at the important principles of photography as related to evidence and crime scenes to identify the elements of a good, technical photograph. We’ve included important video/’how to’ links on every major topic for good photography.

  • Crime Scene Photography, Part II - FRN 7908 (40 Credit Hours – 30 days to complete)

    After learning the basics in Part I, you can now identify the elements of a good, technical photograph. Now we'll cover various types of crime scenes and the challenges they may have in photographing the scene and specific evidence. This class will cover the photography of fingerprints, footprint and tire tracks, bloodstain evidence, vehicles incidents, aerial shots, arson scenes and homicides. The uses of flash techniques will also help the student learn angles, depth and lighting in taking photos of certain types of evidence. We’ve included important video/’how to’ links on every major topic in various crime scenes.

  • Crime Scene Photography, Part III - FRN 7909 (40 Credit Hours – 30 days to complete)

    This class will cover information needed for courtroom testimony. We'll cover a section on metadata, resolution issues and memory cards. In addition, a separate section covers the ins and outs of photography for patrol officers who mostly use point and shoot cameras. We’ve included important video/’how to’ links on every major topic related to photographic evidence.

  • Digital Evidence Expertise in the Courtroom – FRN 7878 (32 Credit Hours – 30 days to complete)

    This online course provides an assessment of what to expect in the courtroom when a digital evidence case is involved, as well as the requirements for delivering expert testimony. It covers the current status of forensics digital evidence from both the scientific and legal perspectives in both criminal and civil cases. You will observe: 

    • suggestions from prosecutors on testimony relating to digital evidence
    • the process of qualifying an expert in court by prosecution and defense 
    • breakdowns, explanations, and easy charts explaining the different media and binary terms

    This course will prepare all law enforcement officers with a good basic understanding of digital evidence expertise, including digital media terms, computer forensic terms, and general strategy for good testimony involving computers and other digital media.

The Details

  • How the Online Courses Work

    Some classes are considered basic and introduce you to the topic.

    You may then decide to take a more detailed or advanced class here at the Academy that will include practical exercises, mock crime scenes, and/or the use of our computers and software.

    • All of our current online courses run for either 20 or 30 days so you have time to complete the course at your own pace.
    • A Discussion Board in the course allows you to introduce yourself to the other students taking the class and to share information with them.
    • You do not have homework assignments or projects with any of these classes.
    • Courses are set up as a PowerPoint, with audio for each slide.
    • All courses have a link called Resources attached to the modules in the course. These resources include PDF documents, internet articles, or video clips for you to copy and save for your files.
    • You can navigate through the slides at your own pace, and as many times as you’d like during the course.
    • Tests

      • If you do not complete a test in one session you may have to reboot your computer and try again.
      • You can take the final test more than once if needed.
    • Certificates

      • After successful completion of the required final test you will receive a certificate of completion for your records.
      • Certificates for online classes will be emailed to your agency email address. Always check your Central Piedmont email, too, in case that's the address it goes to. If you haven't set up your Central Piedmont email yet, follow directions to do so under the Registration tab.
      • Professional Certifications in Digital and General Forensics will be awarded to students who complete the necessary core and elective classes. It is the responsibility of the student to keep track of their progress and present their transcript to the AAAF showing their satisfactory completion of the required courses.
    • Registration