General Forensics Certificate

The American Academy of Applied Forensics (AAAF), through continuing education at Central Piedmont, uses the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) model — Every Scene, Every Time — as a foundation for its General Forensics curriculum.

The program is designed to prepare the generalist crime scene investigator as well as provide advanced training for the veteran and specialist crime scene investigator. Courses are taught by nationally known forensic experts in such fields as bloodstain pattern analysis, forensic anthropology, forensic entomology, crime scene photography, and numerous facets of latent evidence.

All General Forensics training is conducted in compliance with the standards of recognized national professional associations, including the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, International Association for Identification, National Board of Death Investigators, American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors – Laboratory Accreditation Program, and National Association of Medical Examiners.

Professional Certificate 

The AAAF offers a professional certificate in General Forensics, awarded after completing the following classes:

Required core classes:

  • FRN 7813 Basic Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (40 hours) or FRN 7818 Firearms and Shooting Reconstruction (40 hours)
  • FRN 7815 Basic Crime Scene Academy (80 hours)
  • FRN 7818 Shooting Reconstruction (40 hours)
  • FRN 7822 Legal Issues of Crime Scene Searches (16 hours)
  • FRN 7826 Flies, Foliage, and Features (24 hours)
  • FRN 7913 Death Investigation 101 (40 hours)
  • FRN 7917 Documentation of Blood evidence (24 hours)
  • FRN 7920 Basic Crime Scene Photography (24 hours)
  • FRN 7928 Child Death Investigation (16 hours)

Plus any two of the following electives:

  • FRN 7843 Firearms Injury and Distance Determination (24 hours)
  • FRN 7846 Introduction to DNA Evidence for Law Enforcement (16 hours) Online
  • FRN 7847 Introduction to IED's and Forensics Evidence (16 hours) Online
  • FRN 7851 Understanding the Value of Trace Evidence (40 hours) Online
  • FRN 7884 Fundamentals of Fingerprint Evidence (24 hours) Online
  • FRN 7901 Wound Injuries, Patterns and Analysis (40 hours) Online
  • FRN 7902 Gunshot Wounds and Forensic Evidence (40 hours) Online
  • FRN 7905 Investigation of Strangulation and Forensic Evidence (40 hours) Online

Upon completion of the required classes, you must contact the program developer of General Forensics for the certificate. Up to two classes may be waived with approval from the program developer, based on prior training. This professional development certificate is issued by the AAAF and is not degree program. This certificate is designed to show competency in a specific area and does not certify you as a crime scene officer.