UK and Romania: “Dracula: History & Literature in the Footsteps of Bram Stoker”

Explore the origins of Dracula and immerse yourself in the haunting world of Bram Stoker’s iconic novel with a unique study abroad experience led by Dacre Stoker, the great grand nephew of the legendary author himself. 

Travel Dates

June 2025 (Exact dates will be announced.) 

Associated Courses

HUM 130: Myth in Human Culture, HIS 112: World Civilizations II, or associated CCE course 

Program Leaders

  1. Chris Brawley
    Contact via email
  2. Teresa Hall
    Contact via email

Program Highlights  

  • Delve deep into the folklore surrounding vampires in Romanian culture, uncovering the historical inspirations behind Stoker’s masterpiece alongside expert guidance. 
  • Embark on a captivating itinerary visiting key sites such as Whitby, Sibiu, and Bran, where you will walk in the footsteps of characters and explore the rich history that shaped the novel. 
  • Immerse yourself in the vibrant cultures of Romania and England, from scenic hikes and historic tours to indulging in local cuisine and traditions. 
  • Visit Vlad Dracula’s birthplace, the medieval museum and participate in a guided Dracula Investigation.  
  • Tour Sighişoara, a UNESCO world heritage site and visit one of the last remaining medieval citadels still inhabited to this day. 

Money Matters

Estimated Cost of the Program: Approximately $4,500 

This estimated cost includes: 

  • $100 application fee, payable at the time if application 
  • $20 insurance fee 
  • Airfare 
  • Program fees 

Please note that payment deadlines will be announced shortly.  

Additional Expenses 

The following expenses are not included in the program fee: 

  • Passport and visa fees (if applicable) 

  • Personal expenses, such as meals at airports, snacks, and souvenirs 

  • Course registration fees at Central Piedmont associated with the program  

How to Apply

  • Complete the Application

    Complete the Application form.
    Make sure to take the time to thoughtfully complete the application.

  • Submit a video recording of yourself answering a few questions

    As a part of the application form you are asked to submit a video recording of yourself answering a few questions. Follow the instructions listed on the form for the questions and the correct way to submit your video

  • Pay Application Fee

    Once your application is received, you will be sent the form to pay the nonrefundable $100 application fee.
    Your application will not be considered until both the application form is complete and the application fee is paid.