Study Abroad with Central Piedmont

Go abroad and earn college credit on a Central Piedmont short term study abroad program.

Go abroad and earn college credit on a Central Piedmont short-term study abroad program.

  • Central Piedmont faculty will travel with you and lead the program abroad.
  • Earn typically three hours of academic credit or of non-degree continuing education hours.
  • We offer study abroad programs in a wide range of subjects, including business, education, English, foreign languages, health sciences, and history; you can often do a study abroad program for humanities credit.

2025 Spring Break Globally Focused Programs

Fall 2025 Study Abroad Programs

Scholarship Opportunities

Center for Global Engagement Scholarships

Once you are accepted into a program, the Center for Global Engagement will send a study abroad scholarship application packet and deadlines for your program.

External Study Abroad Programs and Fellowships

You also have the option to do an external program — such as the following — through independent study. Contact the Center for Global Learning to learn how.

Why Study Abroad?

International experience is one of the most important components of a 21st century education. By studying abroad you will gain cultural sensitivity, language and communication skills, and an invaluable global perspective. This translates to you being cultural sensitivity, foreign language skills, and global perspective. This translates to you being competitive in the job market, as employers are increasingly looking for workers who have international skills and experience. Research shows that globally competent students have a diverse and knowledgeable worldview, comprehend the international dimensions of their major field of study, communicate effectively in another language and/or cross-culturally, exhibit cross-cultural sensitivity and adaptability, and continue global learning throughout life.

Take a Virtual Tour of the World

Have you ever wished you could travel to Costa Rica, England, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, and Switzerland? As a response to the pandemic and limited opportunities for international travel, the Central Piedmont Global Learning office is excited to offer you the opportunity to study abroad virtually through the Study Abroad Association 360 virtual study abroad. With this new virtual travel tool, you can take all sorts of virtual tours around the world: take a virtual city tour of Venice, discover ancient Rome, tour the Alps, visit the Costa Rican rainforest, or see the bustling streets of India. This platform has something for every academic program. To access this user-friendly platform at any time, select the following link and sign up with your Central Piedmont student email. Once you've set up your account, you can search by keywords to find items of interest, or just enjoy traveling to wherever the the world takes you. Email questions to

Study Abroad Association 360 virtual study abroad