Umentoring Networks

The Umentoring program is open to all students, regardless of their sexual and gender identity, to help everyone successfully navigate their time at Central Piedmont through personal development, academic improvement, and other social and educational activities.

Educate, Engage, and Empower.

Umentoring is a mentoring program that provides comprehensive activities that promote your personal development, academic improvement, and other social and educational advancement needs to help you realize your goals.

Umentoring offers a great opportunity for you to be with peers and with older adults who know the ropes. The atmosphere in Man Up is accepting and encouraging, and will infuse you with strength and wisdom to help you successfully navigate your time at Central Piedmont and your career and life after graduation. We'll answer your questions and walk alongside you as you take steps toward your future.

The Umentoring program was originally developed to increase the population and retention rates among minority males, but we realized that all of our students need assistance in different areas. So, this program is open to any student, male or female, and is designed to provide the inspiration and motivation that they need to reach their goals. Umentoring students will participate in:

  • leadership workshops
  • team building activities
  • social skills workshops
  • entrepreneurship workshops
  • career preparation workshops
  • personal development workshops
  • college tours
  • conferences

Benefits of the Umentoring program include:

  • faculty and staff mentors
  • service-learning opportunities
  • workshops to improve self-confidence and self-esteem
  • student leadership opportunities
  • motivation, social skills, and career development
  • one-on-one academic coaching

Student (Mentee) Eligibility

Umentoring is open to any currently-enrolled and registered student at Central Piedmont who is committed to the mission and vision of the program.

You also have to do the following:

  • complete an onboarding process
  • follow all rules and guidelines as outlined by the program coordinator, mentee training, program policies, and Central Piedmont
  • have a positive attitude and be respectful of mentors
  • make a one-year commitment to being matched with a mentor
  • meet at least one to two hours per month with your mentor
  • keep open communication with your mentor and Umentoringstaff
  • be on time for any scheduled meetings or call mentor at least 24 hours beforehand if unable to make meeting
  • inform the program coordinator of any difficulties or areas of concern that may arise in the relationship
  • attend monthly service learning activities and meetings for the program
  • come by the Mentoring and Bridge Office at least once a week
  • notify the program contacts of any changes to your address or phone number

Have questions or want to learn more? Join us at a Umentoring information session