Mentoring and Coaching Programs

Mentoring programs provide a structured and trusted relationship that brings you together with a caring instructor, staff member, or administrator. A mentor can offer guidance, support, and encouragement to help you overcome challenges, transition to college, and succeed.

Mentoring provides opportunities for skills, character, and professional development. The presence of caring adults offering support, advice, friendship, reinforcement, and constructive examples has proved to be a powerful tool for helping students reach their potential.

If you participate in a mentoring program as a mentee, the most important thing is that you are willing to commit the time and energy to grow and learn from your mentor. You must be devoted to developing skills that will enhance you academically, professionally, and personally. You should be positive and excited about the mentoring process and put forth the effort required to receive maximum results to ensure the program is a success.

Faculty/Staff: Become a Mentor

A mentor is a teacher, guide, role model, and supporter. As a Central Piedmont faculty, staff, administrator, or community advocate, you can be a mentor for any of our programs within the Office of Mentoring and Coaching.