Honors Program General Questions
Who can be a Central Piedmont Truist Honors Program Scholar?
The Truist Honors Program is for new and existing registered Central Piedmont students.
Eligible students are:
- A high school graduate.
- Enrolled in a degree-seeking program with 45 or more credits remaining to degree completion.
Can a student from any program of study apply to be in the Truist Honors Program?
Yes, the Truist Honors Program is open to students in any program of study.
Can high school students apply to the honors program?
No. Applicants must have completed all their high school requirements to apply to the program.
Can dual-enrolled students apply to the honors program?
No. Applicants must have completed all their high school requirements to apply to the program. High school program students (I. e., Early College, Middle College, Career college Promise, and Dual enrolled) are not currently eligible to participate in the honors program. Check back for updates.
Do I have to pay to be in the Truist Honors Program?
No, the Truist Honors Program is a free program.
Can Truist Honors Program Scholars receive scholarships?
Accepted Truist Honors Scholars receive full tuition for a maximum of 4 semesters. Scholars can also apply for partial scholarships for additional travel opportunities once the program requirements are completed.
Are honors course sections harder than non-honors courses?
No. Designated honors course sections are not harder and instead the courses’ view course content through the lens of one of the following Honors Program Foundations: research, scholarship, innovation, and experiential learning; civic engagement and global learning; leadership development; and reflective thinking).
How will I know if I am accepted into the honors program?
Accepted Truist Honors Scholars are notified via their Central Piedmont email account.
I was accepted into the honors program, now what do I do?
Accepted Truist Honors Scholars must attend an Honors Program Orientation, sign the Honors Program Accountability Pledge, attend scheduled honors program meetings, respond to honors program emails, and utilize honors program resources. Scholars must remain active in the program to receive scholarship funds.
What happens If I am not accepted into the honors program?
Students who are not initially accepted into the Truist Honors Program can attend an information session to learn how to improve their application for future semesters. Students who are not initially accepted, are “not yet” ready, however, support is provided to help you become ready for the next application cycle.
If accepted, can I decline admission to the program?
Yes. Accepting the Truist Honors Program invitation is voluntary which means, you can decline admission without recourse.
Honors Program Course Sections
How do I register for designated honors course sections?
- Go to My College
- Select 'Search for Sections'
- Then select 'Advanced Search'
- Select 'Term'
- Scroll down to find “Course Type”
- Select “Honors”
- Then select 'search'
What can I expect in a designated honors course section?
Central Piedmont designated honors program courses (HP) include high quality enrichment experiences that are intellectually challenging and result in deeper learning. These courses seek to develop excellence in scholars by reinforcing the values of knowledge, expression, and critical reflection in a student-centered environment.
Assignments, activities, assessments, and projects in an honors program course provide opportunities for students to reflect on and apply what they learn. They provide high quality learning opportunities with an emphasis on student engagement, active learning, exploration, and discovery.
HP courses maintain a focus on the existing course learning outcomes but offer rigorous experiences and additional opportunities that emphasize the five Honors Course Foundations
- Experiential Learning
- Research, Scholarship, and Innovation
- Civic Engagement and Global Learning
- Leadership Development
- Technology Literacy
Scholars in the honors program are expected to earn a “B” or higher in honors course sections.
Reflective Thinking
Truist Honors Scholars will participate in meaningful reflection to display self-awareness, strengths, areas for growth, and a broader understanding of their individual impact on society.
Will I be in a class with other Honors Program Scholars?
You may be in designated honors courses with other Truist Honors Scholars and non-honors students. Truist Honors Scholars must earn a “B” or higher for the course to count towards honors program completion requirements. For example, if a Truist Honors Scholar earns a “C” in a designated honors course section, they will still earn credit for the course, but it will not count towards their competition requirements.
Honors Program Completion Requirements
How do Honors Scholars successfully complete the honors program?
- Complete 9-12-credit hours in designated honors course sections.
- If program requires 60 credits or less, 3 honors courses are required
- If program requires 61 credits or more, 4 honors courses are required
- Complete10 activities/events
- Interview workshop (required session)
- Resumé workshop (required session)
- Develop Linkedin Profile (development required, not release)
- For the remaining 7 events, Truist Honors Scholars must attend at least one event related to each of the honors program foundations (Experiential Learning, Research, Scholarship, and Innovation, Civic Engagement & Global Learning, Leadership Development, and Technology Literacy) until they attend 7 events.
- Complete 10 hours of community service with other scholars or outside of Central Piedmont. The honors program provides service opportunities; however, Scholars can seek out opportunities within the community and submit for approval.
- Complete 20 total hours of an engagement experience. Engagement opportunities vary based on scholars’ academic goals, interests, professional, and/or personal goals.
- Development of an ePortfolio.
A reflective thinking piece is required after each of the 10 activities/events, community service hours, and the engagement experience(s). Reflections are used to develop the ePortfolio.
To receive full tuition, scholars are limited to one cohort or program. The goal is to support scholars financially to minimize the stress that comes with paying for college and trying to complete multiple programs or meeting the requirements for multiple programs which in the past has impeded scholars' ability to work towards completion. Honors societies and clubs are excluded. For example, Phi Theta Kappa, Psi Beta, and Rotaract are clubs.
Honors scholars are required to successfully complete one honors course per semester, participate in events, activities, engagement experiences, the Scholar-to-Scholar monthly check-ins (virtual and via email), the honors semester convening for all scholars in-person (required), and the Honors Expo. Scholars are required to respond to honors program communications in a timely manner and meet with the Faculty Director of the honors program bi-monthly (virtual or in-person).
What is an ePortfolio?
An ePortfolio is an electronic/digital compilation of Truist Honors Scholars’ academic work and reflection of both the work and experiences collected throughout their honors program experience. The ePortfolio should be related to designated honors course section coursework, events, activities, and engagement experiences (i.e., videos, photographs, essays, writing samples, posters, projects, coursework, etc.). Included work should be exemplary and display skills such as critical thinking, communication, adaptability, personal growth, and additional skills valued in academia and the workplace.
Honors Program credit hours, engagement experiences, activities, and/or events must be documented and confirmed by Honors Program faculty or staff.
Honors Program Scholars must complete the ePortfolio.
Do Honors Scholars have to maintain a specific GPA to remain in the honors program?
Yes. Truist Honors Scholars must maintain a 3.0 or higher to remain in the program. Truist Honors Scholars accepted without a 3.0 GPA at the time of acceptance have two semesters to raise their GPA to 3.0.
Do Honors Scholars have to take honors courses each semester?
Yes, Truist Honors Scholars I understand it is recommended I successfully complete at least one designated honors course per semester. If I do not successfully complete one Honors course section each semester, my program status will be reevaluated, and I may be removed from the Honors Program.
How are Honors Program Scholars recognized once they complete the program?
Truist Honors Scholars receive recognition of their participation in the honors program on their official Central Piedmont transcript, at graduation, and upon transfer. To successfully complete the honors program and have the program listed as “completed” on your Central Piedmont transcript, you must complete the requirements listed above.
The notation of honors on the transcript is initiated once a scholar has participated in designated honors course sections, program events, activities and/or engagement experiences before the end of the semester in which they were accepted.
Honors Recognition Status:
- Honors Associates Hood
100% completion of the honors program and a Central Piedmont degree. Honors program completion noted on transcript and certificate of completion. - Honors Certificate of Completion
100% completion of the honors program for transfer scholars. Honors program completion noted on transcript and certificate of full completion. - Honors Certificate of Partial Completion
Minimum of 25% completion but less than 100% completion of the honors program with a Central Piedmont degree or for transfer scholars. Honors program noted on transcript and certificate of partial completion.
What if I leave the college before completing the honors program?
Truist Honors Scholars who leave before successfully completing the program will have documentation of successfully completed designated honors course sections on their Central Piedmont transcript and a certificate of partial completion. The notation of honors on the transcript is initiated once a scholar has participated in program events, activities and/or engagement experiences before the end of the semester in which they were accepted events, activities, and/or engagement experiences must be documented and confirmed by the Honors Program faculty, staff, or designated representative.