Service in Action

Service in Action is a series of service projects hosted by Service-Learning each fall semester and each spring semester. Each project is held at one of our community partners.

Service in Action projects are open to any currently-enrolled Central Piedmont student — you do not have to have a class service requirement to participate. Sign up for one or more event.

If you really enjoy a Service in Action event at a particular agency, you can finish the rest of your service-learning hours there. While Service in Action is a great starting point, we really encourage commitment to one agency. You get to see growth in yourself and the people the agency reaches out to, and it helps the agency by providing long term volunteers. If you find an event or agency you really enjoyed working with, we strongly encourage you to speak to someone on the day of the event before you go home.

To complete service on your own individually, please visit the Information for Students page. Here, you will find the link to our list of Community Partners as well as the Service-Learning timesheet.

Service in Action Policies

  • Attendance Policy

    If you sign up for two Service in Action events and fail to show up at all or email us at least three days in advance, you will not be allowed to continue to participate in Service in Action for the rest of the semester.

  • Transportation Policy

    When you register to participate in Central Piedmont Service in Action events, you will be responsible for providing your own transportation to the event. When possible, the Service-Learning coordinator(s) responsible for Service in Action events at Central Piedmont will provide transportation options. It is your responsibility to request a space in the van upon registration for the Service in Action event. There are only six spaces in the van, and these seats are reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you are able to reserve a space in the van, it will be your responsibility to find your own transportation to and from Central Piedmont Central campus, and then the van will take you from Central Piedmont to the service site and back to Central Piedmont. The van departs 15 minutes before the scheduled time for each event and immediately leaves the service site upon completion.

    If you will provide your own transportation to the service sites, you are responsible for your transportation home upon completion of the event. Central Piedmont staff will not stay with students participating in service projects after the service project ends; you are responsible for your own health and safety prior to, during, and at the completion of each Service in Action project. Central Piedmont Community College and the Service-Learning office does not accept liability or responsibility for any student participating in Service-Learning opportunities.