Drug and Alcohol Examinations Procedures
I. Examination Triggers
A. Reasonable Suspicion Examination
Any College employee may be required by his or her supervisor or College administrator, with approval from the Chief Human Resources Officer (or designee), to submit to a drug and/or alcohol examination under any of the following circumstances:
- Evidence of drugs and/or alcohol on or about the employee’s person or in the employee’s vicinity;
- Unusual conduct on the employee’s part that suggests impairment or influence of drugs and/or alcohol.
B. Post-Accident Examination
Any College employee who performs a job function that may be considered “safety-sensitive” and who is involved in an on-the-job accident or injury will be required to submit to a drug examination. Examples of safety-sensitive functions may include, but are not limited to:
- Employees who operate Central Piedmont fleet vehicles as required by their job function.
- Employees designated to operate power equipment, heavy equipment, handle hazardous chemicals or substances, or employees’ involvement in activities that place themselves or others at increased risk as a result of their job function/duties.
II. Examination Procedures
A. When a supervisor or College administrator has a reasonable suspicion that an employee is under the influence of substances in violation of this policy, the supervisor or College administrator will arrange, if possible, for another supervisor or College administrator or College security officer to observe the employee in question and attempt to to verify his/her reasonable suspicion.
B. The supervisor or College administrator will immediately contact the Human Resources Department to determine the appropriate course of action, which may be to suspend the employee, arrange for the employee to undergo a substance drug/alcohol examination, and/or any other actions deemed necessary. If there is sufficient evidence to find the employee was under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, as determined by the Chief Human Resources Officer (or designee) and/or the unit vice president, a drug/alcohol assessment may not be necessary. If the Human Resources Office is not available, the supervisor or College administrator shall seek counsel from his/her unit vice president (or designee).
C. The employee will not be permitted to drive, and the supervisor or College administrator will arrange for transportation of the employee.
D. If it was determined that a drug/alcohol examination examination should take place, the supervisor or College administrator shall arrange for the employee to be taken home unless the employee is admitted to the hospital. The employee will not be permitted to drive.
E. All examinations shall be conducted in an approved laboratory identified by the College and in accordance with all provisions of the NC Controlled Substance Examination Regulation Act.
F. An employee who refuses observation by administration or to submit to an examination, adulterates or dilutes the specimen, substitutes the specimen with that from another person, sends an imposter, does not sign the required consent forms, or refuses to cooperate in the examination process in such a way that prevents completion of the examination or is found to have misrepresented the truth at any time may receive corrective action up to and including immediate dismissal.
III. Confidentiality
A. All drug examination information shall be maintained in separate files and shall not be included in the employee personnel file.
B. The College shall not release this information except under circumstances defined in North Carolina Administrative Code 20.0503.