4.07 Grievance Policy for Students

I. Definition

A grievance is a student allegation that a College decision or action is either discriminatory or has a negative effect on the student's status at the College.

II. Policy

Any student may request a review of a College decision or action alleged to be discriminatory or to have a negative effect on the student's status at Central Piedmont Community College. However, in accordance with Policy 4.16 Sexual Misconduct, some forms of harassment may also violate the College’s policy against Sexual Misconduct under Title IX. When a report of harassment is received, the Title IX coordinator will determine whether it shall proceed under this policy or the Sexual Misconduct Policies and Procedures.

A. If the decision or action is alleged to be discriminatory, the student should refer to Policy 4.10 Discrimination and Harassment.

B. If the decision or action concerns a course grade, the student should follow the College procedures.

C. If the decision or action is about any other matter, the student should also follow the grievance procedures in the procedure manual.

Related Procedures


Changes approved by the Board of Trustees on May 6, 2020

Changes approved by Cabinet on January 26, 2015; August 10, 2015; March 5, 2018

Changes approved by the Learning Council on September 2, 2010

Updated on January 11, 2005; March 3, 2008