2.03 Inclement Weather Policy

I. Regulation

The College may be closed or classes canceled due to inclement weather or other emergencies and events resulting in significant logistical challenges that impede the college’s ability to effectively and efficiently serve students. The decision to close the College or cancel classes will be made by the president or other administrators designated by the president. Such actions will not always coincide with announced closings of local public schools, other local colleges, or local business entities.

II. Guidelines

A. When the College is to close or a significant number of classes and activities are to be canceled, Communications, Marketing, and Public Relations (CMPR) will notify local media and will institute the College's crisis communications plan to inform students, faculty, and staff.

B. When the College closes, all classes at all locations are canceled.

C. When local schools close, all Central Piedmont classes in those schools are canceled.

D. Late openings will start with classes normally taught at that hour.

E. When the College is closed, certain personnel may be expected to report for work prior to the reopening. Those personnel will be informed in advance by the appropriate unit vice president. Reporting of absence is not required for employees who are not designated to report to work.

F. When the College is closed, non-exempt personnel who are required to work shall receive compensatory time as defined in Policy 1.14 Non-Exempt Personnel at a later date approved by the employee's immediate administrator.

G. When the College is closed for inclement weather or other emergencies causing an instructor to miss classes, the instructor will be paid for the classes missed if he/she is paid by the course. If an instructor is paid on a per hour basis and the actual class time is not made up, the amount of compensation and the reported student hours in membership must be adjusted accordingly.

H. Associate deans will work with all instructors to make up classes as well as adhere to the guidelines for documenting missed class time.


Changes approved by the Board of Trustees on September 10, 2019; May 6, 2020