You cannot opt-out of Critical Alert notification emails to your Central Piedmont account because your Central Piedmont email is the college’s official channel of communication.
In the event of a campus emergency, the college will send an email to your Central Piedmont email account.
You can also opt in to receive voice and/or text messages by registering your phone number in the critical alert emergency notification system. If no one answers, the system leaves a voicemail. The system will also send messages to TTY/TDD devices.
Signing up for additional notifications is free. However, be aware of your individual cell phone plan's call and text messaging costs. The numbers you provide will remain confidential. Central Piedmont and Rave Mobile Safety will not release your numbers to third parties.
If you are no longer with the college, or if your phone number is in our system by mistake and you would no longer like to receive critical alert messages, email the Service Desk.