Welcome. Once a member, always a member. After you've completed and submitted the application and paid the membership fees there are no other requirements. To maintain active status as a member of Phi Lambda, you need to be enrolled in the current semester and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25. (If your GPA falls below 3.25, you have a grace period of one semester to improve your GPA.)
You'll start receiving regular emails from our chapter about meetings and events. You are invited to all of them, but you are not required to attend any of them to maintain your membership status.
General Meetings
Every two weeks we have a general meeting. You are welcome to attend and participate in the discussions. If you are already a member, you may also vote on issues. If you're not a member, but are interested, please join us and find out what we do. Check our schedule for dates/times/location of our general meetings. If you have questions or have something you would like the group to consider, contact the Chapter President.
Service Activities
Every semester we schedule service events. Some take place on campus, some are at off-campus locations. Look for emails regarding details and how to volunteer. If you have questions, contact the Vice President of Service.
Fellowship Events
We regularly schedule activities just for fun and fellowship. Many of these are scheduled for the end of a general meeting. We also have off-campus activities. Look for emails for details. If you have questions, contact the Vice President of Fellowship.
If you're graduating, congratulations! Check out the approved regalia for PTK members under Graduation Regalia. If you're not graduating, PTK members are eligible to serve as marshals for the ceremony. Contact one of the chapter advisors if you're interested.