Telecommuting Arrangement Approval Procedures

Telecommuting is a work alternative that is appropriate for some employees and some roles, but not all employees and all positions are entitled to or guaranteed the opportunity to telecommute. Decisions to telecommute are made on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the likelihood of the employee succeeding in a telecommuting arrangement.

This policy applies to all eligible full-time and part-time employees, upon approval by their supervisor, their supervisor’s supervisor, unit vice president, and the president. Each employee seeking to telecommute must first email their supervisor and their supervisor’s supervisor with a request to telecommute. If approved at these levels, the request and approvals shall be forwarded to the unit vice president, and if the unit vice president approves, then to the president (or designee) for approval.

The requesting employee must obtain approval prior to working remotely. The supervisor and the rest of line management up to the president (or designees) may revoke an approval to telecommute at any time and for any reason upon notice to the employee. Telecommuting arrangements must be reviewed at least once per year.

In consideration of a telecommuting request, line management shall analyze the nature of the role and how the work is performed. Various factors to consider are:

A. Ability to adequately supervise the employee

B. Whether any duties require the use of certain equipment or tools that cannot be replicated at alternate work sites

C. Need for face-to-face interaction and coordination of work with others, including employees, students, and the general public

D. Need for access to documents and/or other information located only in the workplace

E. Impact on service quality, student success, College operations, and/or increase workload for other employees; and

F. Any other considerations based on the needs of the College.

Related Policies

Policy 1.46 Telecommuting